No-code toolkit
Enable continuous improvement

No-code toolkit
Cgov’s No-code toolkit empowers organsations and their teams to continually improve ways of working and address inefficiencies as they arise. Increase efficiencies within your organisation and avoid the IT bottleneck that is common in large organisations. The Cgov team are experienced in implementing solutions and supporting healthcare organisations to adopt the no-code methodology. Get in touch to find out how we can help.
Accelerate transformation
Support organisational transformation with Cgov. Our no-code toolkit can flex to fit your needs much faster than traditional custom code risk and compliance software.
Empower individuals
Within your organisation, it’s often the people in specific areas who have the knowledge to solve process and workflow problems. Our No-code toolkit empowers individual to do just that, with the support of the experienced Cgov team.
Improve data flows
Cgov’s no-code toolkit enables our bespoke API (application programming interface) to connect to other data systems. Data flow can be inbound, outbound or bi-directional, reducing the need for manual data entry.
Community collaboration
Share ideas and solve workflow problems with our network of organisations across Australia and New Zealand. Cgov regularly hosts user groups to enable collaboration and sharing of best practice.

Medical Workforce Management
Transform staff onboarding and management with Cgov's automated, centralised solution, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Staff Health Records
Soothe the pain of staff health status management. Be sure all immunisations are up to date

Stop chasing practitioners for information. Smooth the process with a simple, digitised path